The first unique research project “Indicators of healthy governance” @ The School of Public Administration of Lomonosov Moscow State University + Multimedia group "RosBusinessConsulting"
The first unique research project “Indicators of healthy governance” @ The School of Public Administration of Lomonosov Moscow State University + Multimedia group "RosBusinessConsulting"
The School of Public Administration of Lomonosov Moscow State University invites You and Your colleagues to participate in the first unique research project “Indicators of healthy governance” in a form of a short on-line survey.
The main tasks of the research are: (1) to comprise trustworthy specially launched rating of governance problems (top-10 items) and renew it annually; (2) to share the research results with the public (have media support in publications); (3) to clarify some hypotheses in the theory of public administration, theories of organizational development and management.
The research is set up as a survey of organization’s employees of any level and status.
The survey is open to all the responses until Dec. 1, 2017 inclusive.
To take part in the survey please go straight to the page: https://www.lomonosov-research.com/lomonosov-research. Registration is not required, but appreciated.
More detailed information can also be found on the portal "Lomonosov": https://lomonosov-msu.ru/rus/event/4526/ information the website research in Russian and/or English versions: http://www.lomonosov-research.com/ or https://www.lomonosov-research.com/lomonosov-research accordingly, to obtain at the below contacts.
Glazyev S.Yu. - the scientific leader of the research group, the Head of the Chair of Theory and Methodology in Public and Municipal Governance at the School of Public Administration of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences (hereinafter - The School of Public Administration MSU) - strategic development of the joint scientific project of the School of Public Administration MSU-RBC; Glazyev@spa.msu.ru
Makogonova N. Vl. – the project manager of the research group, Associate Professor of the Chair of Theory and Methodology in Public and Municipal Governance at the School of Public Administration MSU, Ph.D. in Economics - operational management of the joint scientific project of the School of Public Administration MSU-RBC, the issues of promotion and development, tracking the portal "Lomonosov"; +7 (495) 939-31-36; + 7 (965) 363-49-05; Makogonova@spa.msu.ru
Yashina I. D. - intern-researcher of the School of Public Administration MSU - general coordination of post-graduates students in the working group, design and maintenance of the research website in the Russian and English versions; yashina@lomonosov-research.com
Drobysheva O. S. - intern-researcher of the School of Public Administration MSU, press-secretary of the project - coordination of post-graduates students within the working group and the mailing list of RBC500; Drobysheva@spa.msu.ru
Sereda M. S. - the head of the project "Moscow Economic Forum" - strategic information partner of the project; +7 (495) 781-37-15; sm@me-forum.ru
Tkachuk S. P. - the project director of the Scientific center of Eurasian integration - expert-coordinator for press accreditation and information partnership project; Tkachuk@spa.msu.ru
Yakovlev A. M. – the director of the Department of analytical information of RBC - strategic information partner of the project, main expert-coordinator of RBC analytical methods; jack@rbc.ru
Anisimova K. V. – post-graduate student, the Chair of strategic planning and economic policy of The School of Public Administration of MSU, the member of the working group, co-author of questions and hypotheses; info@lomonosov-research.com
Zaitsev, V. E. - post-graduate student, the Chair of Theory and Methodology in Public and Municipal Governance at the School of Public Administration MSU, the member of the working group, co-author of questions and hypotheses; info@lomonosov-research.com
Kukleva N. Yu. - post-graduate student, the Chair of Theory and Methodology in Public and Municipal Governance at the School of Public Administration MSU, the member of the working group, co-author of questions and hypotheses; info@lomonosov-research.com
Matosian N. Sh. - post-graduate student, the Chair of Theory and Methodology in Public and Municipal Governance at the School of Public Administration MSU, the member of the working group, co-author of questions and hypotheses; info@lomonosov-research.com
Fedunova K. A. – post-graduate student, the of Chair of Economy and Innovative development at The School of Public Administration MSU, the member of the working group, co-author of questions and hypotheses; info@lomonosov-research.com
Informational participation goes to the multimedia group "RosBusinessConsulting" and regional informational partners, moreover the informational support is provided by Moscow Economic Forum, The Financial Weekly, The Institute of Economic Strategies of Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Centre of Eurasian Integration, The International Journal "Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Management", etc.
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